The Business’s Art institute was formed by downtown Los Angeles business men who were interested in painting as a pastime. The institute was incorporated in the 1940s and continues to this date. In its Prime years the forties through the sixties it counted over a hundred members and owned a large mansion in downtown LA in which classes we’re given and workshops conducted for various art media. Sergei Bongart, famed Russian artist, ran an art school there until 1985.
In subsequent years BMAI membership dwindled and the institute sold the downtown facility. After trying several temporary places to reestablish the club it ended up in Montrose at 2228 Florencita Ave, its current location.
It follows its charter to support the arts and art education and In keeping up with the times the club is now doing business under the name Florencita Art Studio.
In 1948, a member of BMAI generously donated a painting to Princess Elizabeth (the recently deceased Queen Elizabeth) in 1948 and the Club received a generous response.

For years famous artists visited BMAI and did demonstration paintings and held classes.

In 1948 a member of BMAI donated a painting to the then Princess Elizabeth (the recently deceased Queen Elizabeth) and the Art Club received a very generous thank you note.
A series of candid shots of the various members at BMAI over the years…